Do-It-Yourself Pressure Washing

Pressure Washing seems like an easy household chore, doesn’t it? You run down to the equipment rental store, pick up a power washer, and just pressure wash the house. What many homeowners don’t understand is that your home is not made to withstand the forces produced by a pressure washer.

Do-It-Yourself Pressure Washing

You can blast the paint from your home, destroy window screens, damage your siding, and break the seals of double pane windows. A pressure washer can even force water through the seals of windows and doors. Water invades your home, damaging your carpets, hardwood floors, and furniture. Water can even find its way behind siding or bricks, causing mold problems.

Beyond the risks to your home is the potential for personal injury. Every year there are many people injured pressure washing their home. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identifies many risks including:

  • Serious, but minor looking, wounds that lead to infection, disability, or amputation;
  • The strong spray throwing objects that hit others, causing serious injuries;
  • Electric shock from not following proper safety procedures, and
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning using gas-powered washers within a building.

Save yourself the risk of damaging your home or injuring yourself. DFW Pressure Works’ professional technicians use our own Soft Washing System to clean your home safely, without causing damage. We use only ECO-friendly detergents to remove mold, mildew, dirt, grime and other contaminants.

If you would like a free estimate, need more information, or would like to talk more about the risks associated with pressure washing your home, please contact us today.